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2 min read
Tis the Season
Tis the season, to welcome Scrooge into your home. This is the man Dickens described as a “…a tightfisted hand at the grindstone, a...

3 min read
New England Gray
Russell Baker, a journalist for the New York Times, called it “New England Gray.” He coined the phrase in a column for the paper in early...

3 min read
The pandemic has kept us very close to home for the past 18 months, but two weeks ago we headed to Virginia for my father-in-law’s long...

4 min read
Charles Dickens, Victorian Superstar
Charles Dickens was the most famous writer of his time, the Victorian equivalent of a rock star. Everyone knew him and most people who...

3 min read
A Thing of Beauty and Utility
In a Writers Group meeting, we were prompted to write about a drawer in our house. Our job was to put pencil or pen to paper and begin...

3 min read
Ancients of the Digital Age
According to a recent Google search, Apple has added my iPod to its list of Vintage and Obsolete Objects. Indeed, Apple has officially...

2 min read
A Passion for Paper
My possessions, or more accurately, those things that have taken possession of me, might lead an interested party to conclude that I was...

4 min read
This Little Pitcher was Quiet
According to The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, “Little pitchers have big ears” is an idiom dating back to the 1500’s. It refers...

3 min read
Empty Space
We moved into our current house in April and in early June our dog, Woody, died after a short illness. Steve, our veterinarian, was...

5 min read
Rafe Ramsey at the Riverside
In my novel, State of Grace, Rafe Ramsey is the kingpin in an operation smuggling alcohol across the Canadian border during Prohibition....
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